But you (probably?) know what I've been up to - feeding, changing diapers, and trying to sleep.
First things first, let me introduce you to our son, William Joseph. He was born on 3/20 and weighed 9 lb and was 22 inches. Everything went very well and we are very lucky, thankful, blessed and so much much more!!
Now back to the reason you are on the blog... right?!? The house.
We actually have been doing a lot to the house, despite the fact that we have a newborn and have had a lot of other things going on. (i.e. I filed our taxes - that took forever bc I have a 1099 and we have a 'rental property' - our house we still own in Georgia, and I'm also presenting at a conference tomorrow on ergonomics, and representing myself (not representing Walsh or Humantech) so we'll see how that goes). So - we've been busy, as it always seems.... AND we've had the usual round of visitors to see the new baby too!
Wait - back to the house, right? Haha.
What we've done since my last post- almost 2 months now!
- Had an issue with our BRAND NEW FURNACE. They installed it without a filter. Ha. Get this... they then mailed us filters to put in ourselves, they wouldn't fit. They came back out and looked at it. Had to come back out again to retrofit. All the meanwhile they sent us a $60 bill for the filters they mailed us!
- Working on the Jack n Jill bathroom. I need to load some pictures of that. I will this wknd... its looking awesome! Tom made a concrete countertop!! We finally got the sink installed and working. Still need to do the backsplash and finish the built-in shelving.
- Got some quotes for windows.
- Had to have roto rooter to come out. Jack and Jill bathroom got clogged. That may be a bigger issue than we really want to tackle... :/
- STILL fighting property tax assessment. Filed our 2nd appeal - now officially going to court in front of a judge. Hired a lawyer to help with that. (deciding to do that has been stressful).
- Every now and then I spend 5 min. or so picking at the front, original leaded glass windows. There is stain residue and masking tape residue left on them. Picture on the right is after some work. Both on the left are before pictures. Kind of hard to tell - MUCH easier to see in person.

- Tom built shelves in the basement for organization.
- We have leftover kitchen cabinets. We got them out of the basement, cleaned and took high quality pictures of them to sell on craigslist. (hoping for at least $400, if not probably more)
- Tom connect the two A/C units we have out front. ONE OF THEM IS FROM 1980!!! MY GOODNESS THAT IS OLDER THAN ME!!!
- William was 8 days old. It was 20 degrees here. Our furnace stopped working... on a Sunday! Bah! Craft came out here and our furnace had stopped because the filter was COMPLETELY clogged!
I'm sure I am missing something though...
In other news... we have a BEAUTIFUL magnolia (or maybe called tulip) tree right outside the front our house. For about 1 day it had bloomed. Then, freezing temps at night. RUINED!. Bummer.