Is it just me, or do you have the 'winter blues' too?
Its 2 degrees outside. Yikes. Thankful we don't have to be anywhere or have to be outside. Tom is choosing to go clear our walkway. Yes, our 400 feet of sidewalk that keeps getting covered in snow. Good thing we have a snow blower!
SO many things have been going on lately while we hibernate (and I feel like this list is incomplete):
- William was bapitized! :) My mom and Thomas came here from Indiana - despite a snow storm looming! :)
- We had a run to the children's emergency room... she was SO BRAVE!
- I went to work, for myself! I officially left Walsh but have not officially started a business on my own or anything... but a woman found me on LinkedIn - she was looking for a certified ergonomist with industrial experience in Pittsburgh. I guess that's hard to find :) Good thing I'm on LinkedIn! I worked at Timet, they make titanium there -- and they've asked me to come back! :)
- Carpet -- er, um, a 'runner' -- installed on our stairs!
Original condition of the stairs. Wow. I haven't looked at that pic for a LONG time! |
In process... July 2013 |
Bare stairs |
Cutting the padding for each step |
Adding the tack strip |
Adding the padding |
Laying out the runner |
Stapling (?) it to the wood.
This is 'Hollywood" style - so that it completely wraps around the stair.
(the other style would have a gap from lip to corner) |
Almost done! |
YES! I've had people tell me it looks like its been there from the beginning. I LOVE THAT!
Tom, admiring his mopping. :) |
IMMEDIATELY after we rolled the rug out - the kids played on it! |
Photo taken 1 hour ago :) |
- BIG oak tree trimmed by 50%. Oh boy - yes, cost a small fortune to cut a 300 year old tree. Took them over a month to finish it too! (came out two Saturdays. Most difficult part for us was getting all the neighbors to move their cars! 8am on a Saturday - SORRY!)
Want to play I Spy?.... I spy the man in the tree... |
- I've been ordering ALL sorts of things for the home and personally online - why have I not really shopped online much before? I know - I like to touch/feel/ and see whatever it is before I buy it! :) I just ordered this for the home and I'm stoked!
- OH - one more thing (I think?) - Elcy has made us one London shade! I picked it up from her two weeks ago and I still have not 'reported' to her how it looks/how to go forward. We have 8 windows to cover - this is no small feat! 18 yards of fabric she has to work with and I am SO thankful we decided to make one shade first, see how its looks, and then make the rest of them. There are quite a few small changes to make, but without the changes it does look great!
- I knew I wasn't done yet... ANOTHER item - I'm STILL contesting our property value from 2013. Our 'property value' determined by the county, increased by more than 200% from 2012 to 2013. It was valued at ALMOST THREE TIMES what we bought it for. So, I've been fighting that for a long time! I had to hire a lawyer and our hearing is FINALLY scheduled for this week.
Whew. That's a lot, eh?
And my word was left un-fulfilled. My sincere apologies. Good thing (I'm pretty sure) no one is really anticipating my blog posts! (But if you are, please comment below so I know! Then, I promise, I'll be better on my word)
Stay warm my friends (not meant for Hotlanta friends!)
In the name of cold weather progress,
Ps. On a side note, I just started working out every day at 6am with an awesome neighbor of mine. I never knew how good it would make me feel - I never knew how much my body misses physical activity. I feel as though I'm making SIGNIFICANT progress in EVERYTHING in my life because of this! So, here's to much more progress, and more blog updates to come!
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