Monday, September 16, 2013

Busy days

Well, STILL, all we are doing is woodwork.  Really.

If we could go back in time, I don't think we would have decided to refinish all this woodwork.  It is a cost we will never recoup in the house.  Probably going to end up costing us between 7-10k.  Really.  (all labor cost)

We sold our gas cooktop to a guy who is also renovating a house, a house built in 1845.  He was amazed at the woodwork restoration - and said he would NEVER do it!  Ha!

The woodwork in the master bedroom

Mary's room woodwork

They are moving and groovin!  Each window takes a day to strip, roughly, and probably at least a couple hours to sand.  Then you have to go through the nooks and crannies and get the paint out.  Seriously tedious process.

Baseboards and door plinths.  This house was SOUNDLY built.

Josh taking the paint off one out of FOUR french doors that go to this patio.  It took Tom one whole day by himself to do this (while the paint on the flat, large surface of wood was already removed).

Tom and Josh tackling the paint.  I respect them both very much for working so diligently on all this!!
Seems like 6am is the only time I have to update this thing!  Wish I could update more.  But, now off to buy some clearance items from Lowe's.

Happy beautiful Monday ya'll!!  


  1. Holy crap it must take FOREVER to remove paint from the French doors! I was cleaning one of ours after we moved in here and and thought maybe when they need painting, we'll just replace them. It took forever to scrub them down...I can't imagine trying to get all the paint out of the all the corners. I am impressed that you guys are doing all the woodwork - it is going to be beautiful when you are finished!

    1. Yes, it is taking forever. Probably something we would not do the same again. But, very much looking forward to the finished product. Thanks for commenting Lauralee! Just good to know that people are reading this! :)

    2. Yes, it is taking forever. Probably something we would not do the same again. But, very much looking forward to the finished product. Thanks for commenting Lauralee! Just good to know that people are reading this! :)
