Saturday, October 19, 2013


Mickey, the immediately NEXT door neighbor is at our house RIGHT NOW installing dry-wall in our kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mickey looks like carrot top
Tom happened to talk to Mickey one day two weeks ago while Tom was working outside and Mickey was walking his dog.  For a living, Mickey renovates houses for a local 'urbanization' man.  Mickey does everything in the renovation process - and he renovates places for Joe - whom we met 1 year ago when looking for a place to rent.  Joe's business is called Wylie Holdings, named after his dog).  At any rate, Tom and I are baffled by the fact that we JUST met Mickey - because we've been renovating for 4 months and he lives next door and does this for a living.  Mickey is young, but good and a hard worker.  I have a feeling he will be at our house much more often.  Ya can't beat that commute!!!

Seriously, progress is being made and it FEELS REALLY GOOD!!            Finally!

Only bummer is, Tom's good friend is in town this weekend and Tom isn't able to spend much time with them (I am typing with MA sleeps, and they explore Pittsburgh)

So, because they are in town we all made a trip to Noble today, to show our friends the house and see Daddy while he was working.  Mary picked up her gloves and a hammer right away!  She likes to work real hard, 'like my Daddy'.

This week we decided we are going to make our own range hood over the oven - well, the covering that is, not the actual fan unit.  I don't like stainless steel hoods -  just too much stainless for me.  Plus where the range hood is going in our house it will be a wall of tile and will be very much highlighted.  Anything else other than stainless, pre-made, would just be too damn expensive (of course, I like copper, but that's just too much moola!!!)

Something neat I found on the internet.  Does take time, but Tom can totally build something like this!
Again, another DIY someone did - I found on the net.  Kinda cool!  (unfinished of course)
However, only bummer part this was a propellant to a MAJOR fight between Tom and I the other night.  :/  It was just the straw... we've just been so stressed about everything and we don't see each other much (even when we do, we only talk about business... I mean, the house... pretty much).  It sucked, but is over now and we are stronger because of it.

I will promise to post more often... I've been slacking but you all understand why :)



  1. My mom always used to say it is cheaper to pay someone else to do the work than to do it yourself and then pay for the marriage therapy after the project is finished. :-) Hahaha!

    I'm excited to see how your hood comes out. I want to put one in our kitchen, but I do worry that it will be ugly. Maybe we'll just copy you!

    Hang in there! With Mickey on board things are really gonna get moving now!!

  2. Your mom sounds like a smart woman :)

    It may be a while for our range hood... we can definitely live in the house without having that in place!! :)

    Good to hear from you Lauralee! Thanks for your comment :)
