Thursday, February 13, 2014

Never ending...

Electrician AND plumber here today.  Electrician coming back tomorrow.  A different plumber coming in Tuesday.  AND, the plumber here today replaced some corroded, leaking galvanized pipe.  They showed me the other galvanized pipe we have, and I got to see how corroded it is.  That stuff is still in our basement, to be fixed one day!

Just to give you an idea, of how many more things there are to do...

I took all the following pictures standing in, quite literally, ONE spot in the foyer/ 1st floor hallway.  So, imagine this times what - 20?  For the rest of the house. 

1)  See the hole in the wall?  That's where the old handrail went, needs patched or put back up.
2)  Hand rail needs to and will be painted at some point.

2) Cont'd.  See that crappy looking paint on hand rail?
3)  Hold around light switch.  Seems like there are 500 of these.

4)  Brick needs painted.
5)  Holes patched.
6)  New mantle.
7)  Marble landing is chipped, needs replaced badly (can't see in this photo)
8)  Fireplace cleaned, inspected, ready to be operational

9)  Ceiling fan needs hung.

10)  Vents not secured.  Maybe replacing them?
11)  Threshold needed.  Funny looking transition.
12)  Needs threshold,

12)  Door needs stained/finished.
13)  Hard to see, but the insides of the windows up top have masking tape on them.  Its seriously glued on there now.
14)  French doors need glass and hung (from hallway to dining room)

We recently got a violation notice from the borough saying our sidewalks were not shoveled (we have, say, 400 feet of them?).  Tom was out of town.  He is out of town again tonight.  

Just got 2" of snow.  Off we go to shovel!!!  (wish I had a little baby shovel for my little lady!!)

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