Monday, June 30, 2014

True to 'Tom and Heather' Fashion

We are getting AC units this week... THANK THE DEAR LORD!!  The heat just gets sticky, makes me not want to do anything, and sucks for sleeping.  Other than that, I don't mind it.  ;)

Of course, we can't just replace the old with the new.  We have decided to move the hideous monsters from the front of the house to the side.  (the new ones shouldn't be hideous, right)

Do you see the two units?   Right beneath the window (lower level, 2nd one from left).  Actually, they don't stick out too much here but I swear, if you saw them in person you would see what I mean.  And that window is the dining room - so if they were running you could hear them inside for certain.

So, we have this concrete pad on the side of the house, against the garage, and it would be PERFECT for the new AC units.  Don't mind the mess of weeds here.  In this pic, the concrete pad has a tire wrapped in plastic on it.

Guess how much that would cost, extra?!?  $850 to run the new AC lines (condensor, copper, etc. lines) and ~$350 to run new electrical lines... grand total of $1,200.  Stuff ain't cheap, but we thought worth it.

Let me just comment on how many other projects we have... again.  :)  In that pic above, can you see the paint around the wood in the top windows really deteriorating?  And the pic above that, can you see the paint bleeding from the shutters onto the brick?  Ugh.  Don't even go there about my landscaping... :)

Oh, here's another project:

This old playset needs a bit of TLC. 

And in the grass picture on the right, you can see the bicycle tracks of the kids that cut through our yard. Eventually we will probably put a vegetable garden here, maybe a fence to keep the rugrats out too!

Makes you really want to own and old, fixer upper home, eh?!?!  Not sure yet if I would recommend it or not.  Ask me again in 30 years.  :)

Happy Monday ya'll.

Much love,


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