Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 2 - MORE progress

Day 1's progress actually... wanted to share it right before Day 2's progress!

Plumbing takes a bit of work!  This is for the shower.

Actually, no progress from this view from Day 1.
Day 2 - Can you spot the progress here?  Here.  Below is Day 1's photo from the same view.
After Day 1 :) And... below is before we started!

Studs are 'studded' out with dry-wall... not really sure why.
This is probably where the BIGGEST progress was made.  See that valve installed for shower?
The walls got Hardibacker  placed on them.

Hardibacker goes behind the tile.  We will be using tile we saved from the Jack n Jill shower.
 Actually - I should show you that tile now!  All the photos above, the bathroom Justin is working on, is the guest bathroom.  This Jack n Jill bathroom is between the two kids rooms.  (I mean, someone had REALLY forward thinking back in 1930!  Its practically UNHEARD of for a 1930s home to have a jack n jill bath!)

That is the original Jack n Jill bathroom.  We saved as much tile as we could!
Now I remember... there was quite a bit of mold behind that tile!  Yuck.
On that note... I wanted to show you an update on that too so here ya go!

The B&W checkered tile was original tile flooring found under the white tile.
The cabinet is by Jonathan Moran.
(and has turned out to be a pain in the @$$ because he didn't make it a standard size)
Concrete countertop.  Next time we do that I will takes pics and share the steps with you!

Sink from repurposed store:  Construction Junction.
Still need to put tile backsplash in and hang the mirror.
Door still needs handles.
Trim around door needs finished (after tile work).
Oh - and one other very unfinished part of the house - but SO CLOSE to being finished - William's closet.  What a PITA! :)  (for you Becky!)

Baseboard installed.  Nail holes need filled.  Needs painted on top.
Melamine shelf needs extended and needs one finished edge.

Posting these pics make me REALLY excited for when we have our open house!  We are inviting EVERYONE we know in Pittsburgh to come check out our home!  Maybe this fall... maybe next year.  But we want to show off our hard work.  And I'm going to print out easel-sized before pictures and place them on an easel in each room!  CAN'T WAIT!

Whew - all this blogging and thinking about all this work we've done makes me tired... so...  I'm toasting a margarita to you tonight!!  

(actually, I'm going to hot yoga to forget about it all!  then maybe a margarita)

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