Monday, July 8, 2013

Seriously neat finds!

This past weekend, Tom had both Thurs & Fri. off work - so we made A TON of progress.

Filled up another 20 yard dumpster!

MANY MANY MANY thanks to my father and mother-in-law for helping so much!  David worked on the house all weekend, and Beth watched Mary Alice most of the weekend while I helped on the house and did some shopping.

Also, same amount of MANY thanks to Josh Sand - our neighbor who is helping us with this project!  AND, just as much MANY thanks to Rick and Steve who always seem to be around and offer a helping hand (they have been to the house at least 3 times to help?)  AND AS MUCH thanks to my brother, Thomas, who helped for 7 hours or so last Saturday!  (who am I forgetting?  we are lucky people for sure!)

David removing a closet in the dining room.  This will eventually be a built-in cabinet (2+ years from now?)

Tom removing the kitchen cabinets.

Josh removing the carpet, padding, tack strips, staples, etc. from the stairs.
Finished stairs - how AWESOME!  Too bad the original railing no longer exists (do you see those holes?)
 David also found this awesome gold wallpaper, with raised velvet print.  Man, I actually would love to have the still on the walls!

Former dining room wall paper
Some more finds... 

Newspaper found in the wall. Circa 1967-Vietnam War.  Its not everyday you see something like this, too kewl. 
ORIGINAL tile flooring!  Yes, those are individual pieces of tile, all individually placed.  We are going to do our best to save this!  White tile was on top of this and the tan stuff you see on top of the black/white tile is glue.
Kitchen demo complete.  Breakfast nook going to the left of this photo, kitchen sink will be on the right.
Cabinets going on the left, breakfast nook/bench seating to the right.  Doorway to dining room in middle

Bought us a fridge last night.  Whew, this is all getting to be expensive! :)  Can't wait to start showing some pics of the finished product... we are a ways from that though :(

Happy plumbing and electrical work for now!!

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